2024 Cycles Journal Feature


I’m so excited to Share My collaboration & Feature

in the 2024 Edition of Cycles Journal!


What is Cycles Journal?


Cycles Journal is more than just a planer - it’s a grounding tool to help support your healing journey. Cycles Journal is…

- a safe space to get out of your head and into your body

- a place to create a ritual of self-devotion

- a special companion to to map out your inner vision

Cycles Journal also is…

Intentionally Indie-Published & Community-Funded

Printed Sustainably in High Quality Small Batches

A provider of Inclusive & Intersectional Empowerment


Dive deeper into wholistic wellness, self-care, habit & cycle tracking, embodied awareness &/or menstrual mindfulness.”

- Cycles Journal


See What’s Inside…


The Menstrual Cycle Overview

What’s inside to support you…

- Table of Contents

- Monthly tracking overview

- Daily journaling space & habit tracker

- Weekly intention prompts

- Community Wisdom Rituals

- Lunar Cycle Check-ins

- Informational Pages & Healing Resources


As an active journaler for most of my life, I’ve found so many different types of journals out there, but none that combine tracking my wellbeing habits with my cycles.

For the last 3 years, I’ve used Cycles Journal to help set intentions, track experiences with my menstrual cycle and track the phases of the moon. This is the most holistically supportive resource and tool I’ve ever used.

And I love that I get to share it with all of you as a featured writer in 2024!


Collective Inner Garden Feature


Special Sneak Peak!

See a special sneak peak of my feature in the 2024 Cycles Journal below!


Exploring the Beauty of Slowness

with Breath

I created a special practice for the 2024 Edition of Cycles Journal!

This practice includes 2 full pages of intentional support for helping you get back into your body through the mindfulness of the breath with practice guidance and journal prompts for processing.

The pages are fully illustrated by Cycles Journal Founder, Artist & Creator Rachael Amber.

Grab your copy below before they sell out <3


Affiliate Link/Referral Disclosure :

The purchasing links on this page are affiliate/referral links. This means if you purchase the Cycles Journal 2024 edition through clicking on these buttons, I will receive a small percentage of what you paid.

I want to thank you so much for using my referral link since it is an opportunity for me to earn some monetary compensation for the work I created and supports my work as I continue to create!