Seeds From the Garden has moved to Substack!!!


 I am excited to be sharing with all of you that with the time I’ve taken away from CIG dedicated to my wellbeing, personal writing, poetry and art, I’ve decided to officially move our community, emails and blog posts over to Substack! 🎉 🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳


On, June 21st the CIG community will receive the first email of a bi-weekly series called “seeds”.

“seeds” will explore mindful observations of the healing journey through our interconnectedness to the natural world and each other. I will be sharing my poetry, art, personal essays and more all through this regular bi-weekly series. Every other Friday you will receive an email from me with an intentionally crafted reflection.

If you have burning questions about Substack and this shift, I have a Q&A for you! Just scroll…

Our shift will go live on June 21st!


But, first I wanted to share with you why I’ve decided to take this creative leap…

 Have you ever felt a desire to be of service to something greater than yourself? 


Have you ever had a dream inside your body and your mind that your soul needed to live out?


Becoming a full-time creative business owner has been my dream since 2017 and becoming a poet, artist and writer has been my dream 

since I was 10 years old.


Taking the time to immerse myself in my own writing and the writing of others has been deeply nourishing and life force giving. It’s also helping me to show up more consistently in my own wellbeing routines, like practicing meditation, breathwork and mindfulness. 


With the world on fire, we need art, poetry and creativity now more than ever. We also need to be engaged in dialogue with it for it to serve us in some way. When I write a poem, I feel my DNA changing inside of my body. There is a mindful presence at work inside of me that is interconnected to the natural world and those in relationship around me. I feel at peace, I feel in purpose, I feel…alive.


I also feel this way when I connect with the creative works of other poets and artists I vibe with. 


In starting a new chapter of my work through Substack, my hope is to create a place where I can flex my space holding skills through online writing and community building that will marry mindfulness, poetry and creative expression.


To offer you all something that can feel real, raw, vulnerable and regenerative. To offer something reparative to the connective energetic tissues of our own humanity. 


I’ve learned so much from starting, owning and running a wellbeing business from the ground up and my creativity and my deep connection to it has saved me over and over again these past few years. I can’t ignore the bliss, love and empowerment that it gives me on a daily basis. 


And I want to share that wholeheartedly with you all!


Transitioning these letters over to Substack has so many benefits to our growing community and to myself including :


🌿Easy access to my work :

You won't have to click through pesky redundant buttons to read my work any longer since you will be receiving it right into your inbox.  Substack operates in some ways like a blog, you'll be able to see all my past letters to you in one location which means my emails won't vanish into a black hole after I send them. They will stay alive in a curated collection of reflections and meditations.💗


Substack is also a downloadable app so you can pull up my work on the go if needed!


🌿Built in community support features

You'll have the option to like and comment on each post as well as save it to your personal archive and share it! There are so many interactive features that I am excited for. Substack will also allow me to deliver more community support through a monthly subscription option for those who crave more intimate connections with this group and my work. This will allow me to receive compensation for my writing and supporting this community which will sustain my work for the long term. 💗


🌿A platform unlike social media :

I'm going to get real with you here - I've been living my best life off of the gram the last 8 months!!!🤗While there are benefits to social media and its reach, I've found as a highly sensitive person that Instagram and its counter parts are not the right places for my work. I crave deep and mindful connections with others and the world around me and the doom scroll is real for me. Social media is quick, surface level, and flashy - all things that just aren't in my wheel house unfortunately! 


As someone who is always playing with showing my heart in open spaces, I've found that places like Instagram can have more harmful consequences for me as a human who craves vulnerability. I hope to write a Substack post on this in the near future.


Have more questions about Substack or the shift? 

Please check out the Q&A below for details! 


We go live next week!


Substack Q&A


Wait, wait, wait - what is Substack?

Substack is an online platform that allows writers, journalist and creatives to share their work through publishing their content and distributing it directly to their people. Creators typically chose a name for their Substack and mine will be revealed in our first email from the platform, so watch out for that!


Do I need to pay?

No! At this point in time my plans are to make my entire Substack accessible for everyone for the first 3 months. After that, I will be reevaluating a paid subscription option for those that want to take their exploration of breath, writing & creativity further into an online group offering. 


The paid option will be a new offering, something more and in addition to what I will be already offering you over these next 3 months. 💗 


I will update the community via email as these details unfold. 



What can I expect from this? 

What will you be offering in these emails?

You can expect to receive a bi-weekly email in your inbox from my new online publication seeds. Bi-weekly emails will be free and consist of a combination of new poems I’ve written and short essays similar to past emails I’ve sent to the CIG community. 


Topics will include reflections on mindfulness, breath, personal growth, rest, nature and the natural world, relationships and healing. I will also be sharing some of my art/paintings and things I’ve been feeling inspired by in a list of roundup resources at least once a month. All subscribers will have access to posts and comments for community building and creating dialogue. I will also be adding reflective prompts to spark the discussion!



You mentioned a group offering…

Yes! I've heard from many of you in the past that you've been wanting a Patreon or something like it and here is where this could happen!


At some point in the near future, I hope to continue to keep writing and sharing free content with those who’d like to stay connected. I will be assessing the option of adding a paid subscription with a new monthly offering in the form of a group meet up where we can connect over zoom as a community, receive support from one another, practice meditation and breathing and also journal/reflect and write. 

Don’t forget to subscribe for seeds delivered straight to your inbox!


I hope you are all taking it one breath at a time. <3

Until next week, 

Breathe deeply and always keep planting those seeds.

XO Jamie


Letters sent to your inbox

A deep, thoughtful and heart-centered exploration of personal growth, healing and becoming more present for life through poetry, essays and creativity.

Jamie Schumann