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New Moon Intentions Breathwork & Reiki


Begin again under the energy of the New Moon!

The ancients worshiped the Moon and its cycles using each significant point in its always changing phase for guidence. In Astrology, the Moon represents our emotions and our physical body and it’s needs. The Moon and its cycles have personally supported me throughout my healing journey for many years and always offers me unwavering and gentle support in caring for myself. Since I started following the Moon’s cycles, I’ve gained a deeper connection to my intuition, inner realm, psychic experiences, subconscious, emotions and desires. All helping me to live a fuller and more meaningful life with care and connection.

In the Moon’s cycle, the New Moon is the phase where the Moon moves from being completely dark to just beginning it’s journey to full illumination in all it’s brightness.

During the New Moon phase, we can offer ourselves an internal check in and discern what seeds we’d like to plant for this fresh and new Moon cycle. Since the New Moon happens just after the Moon is completely dark in the sky, we use our body as a tool to go within and listen to our intuition. We literally close our eyes as the darkness allows us a potent opportunity to engage with our 6th sense and find our way through, trusting what needs we need to set our intentions around to be guided to our fuller potential in living our lives more freely.

What to expect from this session

In this session…

We will get cozy and introduce ourselves.

Then, we’ll review the energetic themes that are coming up for this specific New Moon. I’ll talk more about the astrological sign the Moon is passing through and the significance of its themes that correspond to our own individual and collective healing.

I’ll lead a brief somatic self-inquiry exercise for planting the seeds of the new lunar cycle which includes a short guided visualization and deep breathing.

Then, we’ll get cozy, lie down and breathe for 30 - 40 minutes in a very special breathwork session I lovingly created. Breathwork will be intuitively guided and supported with a unique and intentionally crafted musical playlist to animate our intention through mind, body, emotions and spirit.

If you’ve never breathed with me before, no worries! This session is for beginners and experienced breathers, intuitives, empaths, highly sensitive folks and those attuned to subtle energies.

At the heart, it’s truly just for anyone who desires time to reflect, process, and breathe with intention and make space for rest and integration. For anyone who needs a new beginning and would like support calling it in.

Collective Inner Garden Breathwork Session Format

My breathwork sessions typically begin a somatic self-inquiry exercise where we check in with the breath and use our awareness to locate experiences, sensations and feelings we are having in the body. We use this mindful practice to check in with our body and prep ourselves for the full breathing session.

I create one fluid breathing session to an intentionally crafted playlist inspired by the theme and energy. Many love to lie down in bed or on a yoga mat with a blanket to sink deep into the experience. You can expect me to facilitate and lead you through 2 - 3 practices that make up the total 35 - 45 minutes. Practices will be a combination of restorative slow types and active types. I typically encourage folks to take things at their pace and listen to their own bodies. I will sometimes offer modifications as well! Distance Reiki will be channeled during the last 10 minutes of the session during the rest and integration portion.

 We take our time in transitioning, feeling and sensing our way through. It’s such a lovely way to connect with yourself, your energy, intuition and inner wisdom, your body, trust and truth.

Sessions may include affirmations, intuitive guidance channeled by me in the moment and meditative prompts or ideas. 

There will be time at the end of the session to journal what came up for you and integrate. We can also share our experiences with one another in the group. I also leave you with a few prompts to journal or meditate on for the New Moon.

How to prepare

Grab your pen and journal.

Pick a spot where you can lie down flat like the floor, yoga mat, couch or bed.

Come as you are! Dress comfortably and have an extra blanket nearby. I recommend using an eye pillow, eye mask or a scarf to cover your eyes and help bring your attention deep into the experience. You can have your lights soft or light a candle to help ease into the experience. 

You can bring any items next to you that you feel will support you during our session. Supportive items can include your favorite crystals or essential oils. A soft stuffed animal to cuddle with post breathwork or a pillow. Have water accessible to you post breathwork.

Additional Details

This is a virtual event. You will receive an email with a Zoom link 2 hours before the event begins.

Event begins at 7:00 pm CST.  Clickhere to convert to your