01 | Healing & the healing journey
A big warm welcome to the Collective Inner Garden Podcast!
In this first episode, I introduce myself and talk about the four main markers of how I know I am engaged in a deep transformational part of my healing journey. I talk about the call to heal and healing work, setting an intention to heal, using tools + supports in the healing journey and the outcome of the healing process. I chat about healing from a spiritual perspective and share my experiences and what I've learned about healing and my own healing journey as an intuitive.
Connect with me on IG : @collectiveinnergaden
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Hello! I’m Jamie, a former career counselor turned Breathwork Facilitator who loves creating expansive experiences for myself and others through holistic, practical and radical self-care.
You can stay connected with me through joining the Collective Inner Garden email list here. I can’t wait to meet you!