

Everything has a spirit.

The most nurturing one,

is the one that lets you be free.

Free to be who you are.

Free without judgment, shame, condescendence or belittlement.

Free enough to let you be 

a tiny spark that creates 

a world of their own.

A little girl 

riding through miles of countryside

small, tiny, impressionable, happy and giddy.

My brother at the wheel

a teenage something of a man

dark brown eyes and skin

with big ears.

My spirit rides at the speed of the car

Over rolling hills, crew cut cornfields and

Wildly flowing pampas grass.

I point at the cows

the windows down on 

on a hot summer’s day.

I love watching them - so still

The motion of their mouths full of grass

is the only thing moving for miles

I smile

I clap

I tell my teenage brother of a man

“This brown cow is where we get our chocolate milk from.”

I say it confidently, with conviction.

Like a research scientist in his middle ages.

My teenage brother of a man looks at me.

His eyes are full like a moon at its peak of wholeness.

His mouth is wide like the crescent version of it. 

A twinkle flashes bright inside of him.

One hand on the wheel, 

the other out the window riding the breeze 

like the waves of an ocean

catching the current of his hair.

“Okay” he chuckles in total and utter acceptance.

“White cows give us white milk,

brown cows give us chocolate milk - Jamie’s rules.”

He smiles warmly at me, 

his baby sister.

I giggle

I clap

and we ride on. 

Everything has a spirit.

The most nurturing ones

are the ones that let you be free.

This poem was created with the help of those in my IG stories! I asked my people to submit a word and I said I would make it into a poem. Here is the fifth one. Thanks to Jessi for submitting the word “cows”.

If you’d like to submit a word, join me in my IG stories <3