set your intention


How are you these days, darlings?As spring approaches I feel like I am straddling liminal space once again, betwixt and between two very opposing energies.Pisces season has yet to end. It's flowy, slow, psychic and watery state still nurtures my body, mind, dreams and soul. Yet, Aries is calling on the telephone. Saying, “pick it up, pick it up! answer the phone! Let’s get going, girl!”Aries is calling me to explode into my new self and to rewrite the rules with all the fire I've got inside.Aries is calling me to fast forward into the after space of regeneration.

But, I can’t rush this energy.

Not because I want to hold on to it’s comfort and nurturing support. yes, this is true. But, because I need to allow it to do it’s do diligence with me. I need to let this mystical power fill me, completely. Allow it to run like honey into every joint, crease, tube and cavity in my body. 

We are not done trusting the void. 

We have not completely rested with one another just yet.

So, in order to temper this transitional confusion, I am setting my intention, daily and as many times as I feel I need to throughout my days. Since I received my first reiki level I attunement, I have taken my subtle body very seriously. What a beautiful gift I didn’t realize I had before. We conviene often with one another. chatting over warm drinks, cozy blankets and the most sensual and invigorating scents. I hold it’s messages and it’s passed along notes within my muscles, nerves, fluids and a crush in high school who used to slip handwritten love notes into your locker between bells.

As I started my week this morning, I realized I just jumped into my daily tasks without setting my intention, something I’ve done daily since my attunement into the reiki lineage. I jumped in without a thought, care or even notion that I should have taken my morning pause to set the tone for the day and the week.

I'm not shaming myself here. I just feel a little misguided by the upcoming transition of pisces to aries in this moment. 

Aries is fiery, warm, independent and roaring.

Aries gets shit done.

But what does it really mean to jump head first into a pool of water where no water lies? I’ll share with you a reading I just received from the Mystic Mondays tarot app : I “pulled” the Hanged Woman which the artist notes as a time of “suspension”.

As the author/artist Grace Duong puts it :

“A time when you are suspended in the air and stuck between the momentum of the future and the speculation of the past… think outside of yourself, and try your best to see the bigger picture. This inconspicuous small moment could bring big impact. Feeling stuck with nowhere to go is temporary. Constant activity keeps the ego busy, but by practicing patience you are allow other opportunities to unfold for you. Give yourself permission to receive!”

Pisces gets their shit done by trusting the shit will get done. By resting, receiving and enjoying the deep unknown inside itself. So, during this liminal space, how do we reconcile both of these energies? It hit me around 11:30 am this morning that i was being called to become even more aware of how to use this potent shift to my own greatest potential. 

In this effort, I am now stopping my work related tasks, my social media, my calendar and my mind by taking the next 5 minutes and dedicating it to set my intention. I will engage with my energy as I have been since i felt the pull to notice it more. By lighting a candle and saying a short will inspired oath to myself, my energy, my mind, my body and my soul. 

If you’re feeling the need to sink a little deeper into these Piscean blessings just before the tides change once more into Aries then join me….join me even if you’re reading this and pisces season is over. Because energy knows no bounds of time and space. And by now we all know that time is an illusion and the only space there is, is the space that you create. 

<3 Light your candle and set your intention. <3

“on behalf of my and everyone else’s highest and greatest good, 

In perfect comfort and perfect alignment, i set my intention to …. ( tune into your subtle and physical body here and trust whatever comes up to speak it out loud into the world or in your mind’s eye. my example is below. )

…. call in ease, gentleness and compassion today as I allow myself to be swept away by my own intuition…

( then continue on with sealing your intention into your will )

… and so it is, it is done.

and so it is, it is done.

and so it is, it is done.

thank you, thank you, thank you.”

I hope sharing this bit has given you something special today.

happiest end of the zodiac to you my darlings,

keep planting.
