personal alchemy + the soul journey


I’ve been a healing alchemist ever since I was a little girl. I’ve always had the gift of transformation and I’ve always fully loved and embraced my process.

In junior high Earth science class, I was obsessed with how caterpillars transformed into butterflies. In the summertime, I used to watch butterflies for hours and every time I saw an inching caterpillar creeping along the sidewalk I felt a moment of aw inspiring excitement. I wondered if they knew what was ahead of them.

In my senior year of high school after my college applications were sent, I dreamed of leaving my sleepy little hometown for a transformation of my own. On one of my last days in my high school educational career, my English teacher posed a question to our class : “When it comes to the future, what are you most excited for?”

My hand flew into the air with excitement, almost like I had reached the tip top of a mountain. “What are you most excited for in the coming years, jamie?” My teacher asked me. “I am excited to move to a new place and to reinvent myself.” I said with confidence and excitement gleaming in my big brown eyes.Even my 18 year old self knew the magic of personal alchemy and the journey of the soul.

We are not meant to stay the same.

But, as we grow, age and search for our place in society, we become conditioned through the systems we live in to believe that there is one place and only one place for us, for the rest of our lives. That almost everything is linear and if you just find your “place”, you’ll “arrive”. The problem is, we often are always in search of this one place. It becomes as elusive as air.

I thought I found my place.

I graduated from my self - discovery “phase” - as people would call it college - and went into a master’s program. I graduated with my masters and was hired for a full-time job. I followed everything to a “T”. I checked all the boxes, passed my exams with grit and flying colors. I even landed my dream job after three years of working full-time in my industry. Almost everything appeared to be linear, but, the reality was nothing actually was…

…enter stagnancy.

Have you ever felt stuck or stagnant? Like your soul is calling you to shift, make a change or do something different but you don’t know what? Maybe you feel this way about your job, life purpose or path? Maybe it’s deeper and more existential in nature? Something you can’t quite put your finger on? A call to healing yourself, your heart and your wounding?

I’ve been there…

It wasn’t that long ago that I felt that stagnancy creeping in, the worry and self - doubt keeping me stuck. I lost my connection to my true nature of being. I lost my connection to my soul and intuition. I was no longer that wide-eyed Jamie, sitting in English class dreaming about reinventing myself. Instead, I was stagnant and disconnected. Trying to leave my 9-5 job for a greater soul purpose and mission and stuck trying to figure out how.

There was no manual, no boxes presented to me for validation I was on the right path.

But, my higher self was sending me all the clues,

and asking for my attention…

there was just one thing missing - I didn’t know how to listen or to act on any of it.

I experienced resistance

I self-sabotaged

and I shrank in the process.

Then, I learned to listen. I built inner safety, inner confidence and inner trust that allowed me to soar. I learned to listen to the clues my intuition was serving me and leaned into change. I found my way back to that little alchemist I used to be.

In April of 2021 after 3 years of moving from “what the heck do I fricken do?!!!” to “aha! It all makes so much sense now!!!” I developed an action plan and quit my full time job for good!

I shifted. I leaned into uncertainty, felt through the language of my emotions, and allowed myself to rise again with more confidence, self-awareness and self-love.

Change and transition are challenging.

And if there is one thing that’s for sure in our new normal of living on this planet it’s that shifting and change is ( and always will be ) constant.

We are being tasked to evolve now even more than ever before, in order to support our planet and humanity. And even though it is challenging now, that doesn’t mean it will always be the case. I know from personal experience that evolution can happen so beautifully, so fast and spontaneously!

And once you learn to trust yourself, let go of what no longer serves you and find your rhythm with it - your evolution is inevitable! All you have to do, is get in alignment with your soul…I feel like I know the name of the game now. It was written in stars the moment that I took my first breath. I might not be perfect at it, but hey, who is? No one.

But, now that I’m more than familiar with the lay of the land and I’ve learned a thing or two about the soul game when it comes to personal alchemy and the Death and Rebirth process of developing within.

.:: what is the soul journey? ::.

The soul journey is a healing journey. It is a journey back to yourself, a journey where you continuously realize you were born, always have been and always will be whole.

We claim this journey through bringing our awareness back to the body, emotions, mind and soul ( also known as your higher self or intuition ). We do this by becoming aware of our own healing process and supporting ourselves and each other as we learn the language of our innate wisdom.

And if you’re here reading this, chances are you’ve been triggered to heal. What I would call an initiation back to the path of your soul. You are being called to be seen, to rise in some way, to actively lead this planet to a new paradigm. One built off of inner trust, love, connection and living for pleasure vs. pressure.

When you learn to embrace your shadows and work through your inner blocks and wounding, you create shifts in your own DNA and release light codes to those around you. You not only heal yourself, you will heal others in the process.

Embracing the soul journey can help you :

  • Ground where you are at in your journey through grounding techniques and exercises meant to help anchor your energy on this Earthly plane and help you bring your awareness back to the body ( your true home )

  • Identify and use your painful emotional triggers as information and anchors to the healing process

  • Connect with and learn the language of your emotions to move you gently through the transformational + alchemical process

  • Set boundaries with what no longer serves you - this becomes the bridge to the rebirthing process

  • Witness yourself with compassion, acceptance, love and non-judgmental awareness as you engage in the deepest depths of your healing process

  • Embrace + celebrate yourself as you re-emerge from the chrysalis as a Phoenix rising from the ashes

Leaving you :

  • Feeling empowered to make the change that your soul is thirsty for

  • Connected to your intuition and inner wisdom with ease, clarity and certainty

  • Grounded in your inner support, self - acceptance and self - trust

I am so grateful for this journey. Even when it’s tough. Because every time I find my way back to myself I know I never left.

If you are looking for support on your healing journey with self (awareness, self-care, love, trust and self-acceptance) then I’d like to welcome you over to my podcast. It’s a sacred space for me to share my lessons and what I’m learning about all things self - healing.

If you’re looking for a beautiful modality for self - healing, I highly recommend breathwork! You can reach out to me if you have questions at or schedule a breathwork session. I have 1:1’s for receiving more personalized needs and group experiences for building community and collective energy. I hope to meet you soon <3

Because we can’t take care of one another if we don’t take care of ourselves first.

keep planting,
