embracing radical self - acceptance with a Supermoon in Aquarius


The Full Moon in Aquarius arrives today. This event is also considered a Supermoon, meaning its position to Earth will be the closest it can be creating a bigger and brighter Full Moon.

This Full Moon is illuminating that unique, complex and special part inside me (and in all of us) that screams, “Be your true self! No matter what others think!” and “Down with norms and expectations!”. This is one, among many other reasons, why I love Aquarius so much. Let’s unpack how a Full Moon in Aquarius under a Leo Sun can illuminate what needs letting go of during this cycle so we can embrace our truest self and be present with self-acceptance in our own process…

The Full Moon is for Letting Go & Celebrating Your Wholeness (revisited)

Many of us use the Full Moon as a checkpoint for releasing what no longer serves us. This is traditionally supportive because during a Full Moon, the Moon has reached its peak point of illumination in its cycle.

A Full Moon represents the season of Summer - where we harvest the seeds we planted during the New Moon. It’s also a time where we can express our gratitude for the lesson or lessons we’ve learned since setting our intention and can choose to move ahead and stay the course, or, we can shift and change direction with the new information we’ve gathered about ourselves and our experience with the world around us. Either way, the Full Moon represents a fullness, brightness and illumination. It can also represent movement, choice and a reclamation of sorts.

When a Full Moon is on the way, I begin to think of all the things I’ve learned, how I got here and how I am whole inside - no matter what. I think of how in each and every cycle in my journey so far, I’ve become more and more embodied in loving myself and taking care of myself and my commitment to living a fuller life. This is a big part of what I celebrate every Full Moon.

What is a Supermoon?

(and Leo Season influence)

This event is also considered a Supermoon, meaning its position to Earth will be the closest it can be in its orbit, creating a bigger and brighter Full Moon. For this reason, we may feel a type of intensity with it. Intensity doesn’t necessarily mean it will be overwhelming in a bad way, but pay attention to how you’re feeling and what is being illuminated for you around this time. This might come through as a feeling of an undeniable truth or another bold statement inside of yourself. What I’m picking up on is a very bold moment of clarity around who you are as an individual and what your role is within the collective.

Given we are now in Leo season, you might just find that you feel more like yourself than ever before since Leo is a sign that is very much about the self and identity. Leo is represented by the archetype of the Lion - a creature that leads the land with a bold energy of self. Leo is ruled by the Sun in astrology and the Sun represents the self (it’s glyph on the birth chart is literally a circle with a dot in the middle). In Leo season, the self is now interested in sharing the story of your whole heart through the power (not danger) of emotional exposure - a juxtaposition to cancer season as we emerge from our shells as a confident lion who must be seen for all of who they are.

The Sun in Leo (or Leo season) means focus with a sense of self, concentration and consciousness during this time (as the sun represents consciousness). Our inner and external rhythm is linked to the heart’s intelligence (a muscle that changes rhythm depending on what we are feeling). This rhythm reminds us we are worthy, and our highest function is to embody worthiness.

Leo leads with a courageous heart and therefore is a master at innovation, experimentation, rising, failing, falling and understanding the self as it movs through its own process. It’s a time to shine within ourselves, who we are and share our gifts with others wholeheartedly. This energy is potent for knowing that your capacity to love and lead will increase with trust (self-trust, self-confidence & self-efficiency). Leo has the gift of possibility. Leo is righteous. Leo confidently and benevolently uses their gifts to open the doors for others. And this makes for a beautiful illumination of how you belong within the collective under this Supermoon in Aquarius.

Aquarius - The Intellectual E.T. of the Zodiac Who Rallys for

Radical Self-Acceptance and Change

One of my favorite things about Aquarius is that it is known as the extraterrestrial (E.T.) of the zodiac. For most of my life, I’ve often felt a longing to fit in with those around me. To be accepted as a dedicated member of a group in all my complexities as a mixed race person. But, there have been many times when I felt much more at ease with breaking off on my own. Aquarius reminds me that it’s about both - the self and where you find your people. And, that accepting yourself first brings the best out of you and in return, others accept you for it.

In this way, Aquarius is a leader for all.

Aquarius often reminds me of that rebellious inner voice inside of myself that tells me, “Hey, you weren’t made to fit in with everyone else”, and “Yo! Rules were made to be bent, broken and challenged!”. And it’s true - we can’t stay the same forever. This is the planet Pluto’s knowing (which is one of the planets Aquarius is ruled by). It’s this freedom loving, self-assured & confident energy that we all need every now and then to show up in the world in our own unique and very important way.

In traditional astrology, Aquarius’s archetype is the water barer. This reminds me of the symbol of the jug, which in Greek mythology represents the pouring of ideas, hydration and quenching thirst (literally for the Greek Gods) and also figuratively a thirst and desire for knowledge. Aquarius is the leader of innovation for the future - one that understands the need of the individual while serving the collective in its highest and greatest ways.

Aquarius is also very much a sign that is for the collective and social change and reform. It sees the self centered in a position to create a better future for all through it’s free thinking and innovation. It is also the humanitarian of the zodiac with a stronger focus on social issues and political issues. And we need to understand ourselves, our origins and our multiple identities and their complexities if we are to continue to raise our consciousness around creating a better world for each other under a political and social context.

As an Air sign, Aquarius has an energy that is at its core very logical. Air signs tend to be of the mind, leading with logic versus emotion. As a fixed sign, Aquarius does so with a boldness about itself with certainty and clarity.

If you are feeling unclear about who you are right now, this could be what is being illuminated under this Supermoon. This is the perfect time to prioritize understanding yourself more and practicing self-acceptance and where you are in your process of accepting your quirks, your identity and anything that feels weird or odd about yourself.

Because these are the things that make you undeniably you.

Belonging and belonging uncertainty in terms of Aquarian energy is about the individual but it’s also connected to the collective - it’s about how we experience belongingness in the collective through being our truest selves. And how we find self-acceptance through embracing our quirks and the things we have felt feelings of embarrassment or shame around.

Consider the following to reflect or meditate on

during this Super Full Moon in Aquarius :

What are your quirks or personality traits that make you different or unique from those around you?What about your identity? Where you come from? What you grew up with? Have you always felt like they set you apart from others? Free write about your experiences.

In what ways do you rebel against the norm? What are your quirks or the weird things about you that you fear others won’t accept you for? How can you make space to accept and celebrate all of yourself - especially your quirks and/or identity? How can you honor your own individuality? How can you honor your own individuality while being of service to the collective?

How can you create space for more creativity, experimentation, curiosity and innovation this week? What needs to be reviewed in order to make a shift in how you do things or approach things? What do you need to let go of in order to accept this shift within?

Supermoon in Aquarius

Breathwork & Affirmations

for Self-Acceptance

- The Practice -

Set your intention for this practice to use your breath to help release any shame or embarrassment resistance you feel in your self-expression, identities and quirks. And, embracing self-acceptance for this Supermoon in Aquarius.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths inhaling deep into your belly, feeling your sides expand and slowly exhaling all the way out your mouth making a sighing sound of release.

Read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth.

To really be intentional with each affirmation, you can take an intentional cycle of breath (one inhale and exhale) before and after reading each affirmation.

Repeat as often as you need to.

You can also practice with me below on The Collective Inner Garden Podcast Episode 18 <3


Affirmation One

"By the light of the Supermoon, I release what keeps me from expressing myself fully in spaces that don't get me.

And I celebrate my uniqueness with those who do get me. I know that when I celebrate the parts of me that others don't accept, it is a radical and rebellious act in reclaiming myself.”

Affirmation Two

"By the light of the Supermoon,

I release thoughts or stories that tell me I don't know who I am.

When I let go of self-doubt and trust my inner knowing, I can experiment with how I want to define myself and feel clarity about my place and my work in the collective.”

Affirmation Three

"By the light of the Full Moon, I release shame and embarrassment around what makes me quirky, weird or unique.

I celebrate my wholeness by knowing my self-acceptance is rooted in my capacity to see the beauty of the complexity of who I am, my origins and the strengths my identity carries.”

If you want to breathe in community, check out my live events page for upcoming sessions.

OR… Book a One-To-One Breathwork session for more personalized support.

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