full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio themes & 3 affirmations for support with tending to your inner garden


The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is arriving Friday, May 5th and it’s bringing so much transformation and regenerative energy. It’s providing us with a big opportunity to use our messy parts as beautiful rich compost - a healthy and healing soil to sink deep into for a fertile rebirth. There are so many layers to this astronomical event that I want to unpack for us to consider as we make space to honor this time. Below, you’ll find the themes I’m intuitively picking up on personally in my own life and within the energy around us. I hope this post helps support you in making meaning of it all as things unfold around you!

What is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse?

A full moon happens near the end of the moon’s full cycle. For this reason, Full Moon’s can represent a culmination of what you’ve learned during a moon cycle. Since we let our intuition guide us during the dark moon (when the moon is illuminated at 0%) in order to set our intentions and plant our seeds during the new moon, we spend about two weeks as the moon waxes towards full, allowing our intentions to take shape.

When the moon when is fully illuminated and lighting up the dark sky, there is an energy of abundance in the air. An abundance of what we’ve learned, a celebration of how far we’ve come and even a release of what no longer serves us. We might begin to see the seeds we planted form or take shape. The moon in astrology is a celestial body known for ruling our emotions. For this reason, full moons can feel emotional for most of us - like a cup overflowing with water.

A lunar eclipse adds a whole other layer to this experience. During a Full Moon, the Sun’s rays reflect off of its surface creating its luminous glow. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth moves into alignment with the Sun and the Moon in such a way that it blocks sunlight from reaching the Moon. This creates a shadow on the Moon’s surface.

Rebirthing Your Truth & Respecting Your Emotions with Scorpio Energy

This lunar eclipse is so significant because it is happening in the sign of Scorpio - an astrological sign known for the subconscious, shadows, darkness, muck, transformation and regeneration. How appropriate, right?

Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto - the planet of death and rebirth, power, and evolution. It’s also ruled by the 8th house in astrology which (you guessed it!) carries themes of death, rebirth and the process of transformation.

Scorpio is a water sign that relates to our emotions in a deep transformative way. Like its fellow water signs Cancer and Pisces, there is a “wading in the water” type feel to its nature. What makes Scorpio different from its siblings is its ability to plunge into the depths of the darkness and reveal what was hidden. Scorpio energy is very penetrating in nature and can feel harsh at times much like the sting of the scorpion tail. I see this as a metaphor for self - honesty. We don’t always like to be confronted by our own shadows, muck and inner darkness, but much of the time we know it’s mandatory for growth, letting go and moving on. If we want to change and become better people with stronger roots in ourselves in our integrity, then we have to learn from the mud and muck we’ve experienced. We have to become our own alchemical container for transformation. And this means holding our human experiences - especially ones of emotional discomfort.

Much of my own experiences with emotions is that they are the messengers of our own needs, desires and wants. This is my truth. And it guides my work as a facilitator in my breathwork and reiki sessions. I believe emotions help us in ways that are difficult - we’ve always been told to “manage” or “control” our emotions which is so odd to me since emotions are part of our own human nature and experience of being human.

I’ve been told by others that emotions tells us lies, much like our thoughts when I truly believe that emotions and thoughts make up our inner experience of the world around us. They are often coded, yes we must learn the language they speak, but still cues and clues to help us meet our truest needs.

For example, when I feel overwhelm inside, I know I need a break from something. I might not know what that something is, but it’s a cue inside my body to take a step back and rest. When I feel anger in me, I know it means a boundary has been crossed somewhere. I see it as my responsibility, to take these clues as pieces of my own wellbeing puzzle to put together a fuller picture of how to take care of myself. After all, if we are to approach ourselves holistically, we must consider all things (mind, body, emotions and spirit).

When we cultivate a deep sense of respect for our inner experiences, instead of jumping to vilianizing them, we can better work to understand ourselves with a non-judgmental perspective. We can become the agent of our own experience and support ourselves in seeking wellbeing in the ways we see fit. And that is powerful!

Consider the following to reflect or meditate on during this eclipse :

What truths are shaping for you under this eclipse?

How are you feeling emotionally?

How are you being guided by your emotions to take care of yourself during this time?

What transformations have you undergone in this cycle? What fertile soil is present for a stunning rebirth?

What gold is being uncovered as you transform your shadows into self-honesty that guides your own sacred truth?

3 Affirmations to Support You During This Time

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths inhaling into your belly and exhaling all the way out your nose. Read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth. Repeat as often as you need to.


Affirmation One :
”I allow myself transformative rebirth from the deepest, darkest and murkiest places inside of me as many times as I need, for as long as I want.”

Affirmation Two :
”My transformation is always inevitable and divinely supported. I can let go of pushing, forcing and commanding and just allow myself to be imperfectly messy in my process.”

Affirmation Three :
”Although self - honesty sometimes stings, I am mindfully aware that it’s necessary for my own truth to take shape. I hold my emotions in their highest regards as the coded messengers of my needs.”


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