how to take care of yourself after a breathwork session


After any breathwork session it is incredibly important to practice integration. No matter how short your session is, integration is the outstretched hand you will grasp post breathwork that will help you become more embodied in not only your commitment to your breathwork practice but also your commitment to yourself and your healing process. When we invite the feminine / Yin energy in through allowing literal ease, rest, processing, and reflection, we are communicating to our subconscious mind that we are capable of entrusting ourselves with our own self-parenting and self-care. This is truly a magical part of the healing process after any healing modality!

Integration becomes incredibly important when we practice breathwork because we are engaging with the subtle body in a very liminal or in-between state which does alter our consciousness. We also tend to dig up what we repress during breathwork which can feel very visceral and vulnerable to many.

Because of this, it is really important to make sure that you are slowly coming back to your body through grounding techniques. After a breathwork session, resist the urge to just get up and walk around right after. Moving the body without grounding into it first can make you feel disoriented and light headed. It also disrupts the connection of trust we work to build during breathwork between your physical body and your psyche (our self-parenting process). Instead, slowly ease yourself back into the body through gently wiggling your toes and fingers before opening your eyes. When you open your eyes, open them slowly and gently gaze at your space around you. After breathwork, try to engage your five senses (touch, smell, sight and taste).

Your post breathwork care might look different after every session you do. And that’s completely up to you and totally okay. I’ve experienced 40 minute breathwork sessions with the 3 part breath where I drift out of the last 10 minutes of rest and I feel invigorated with life moving inside of me. I’ve created beautiful artwork post breathwork and I’ve also had sessions where I’ve also fallen asleep right after. The most important thing to remember is that you always, always, always become present with and listen to the wisdom that your body is telling you and follow through on what you need. Below is a list of my favorite things to help give you some ideas on how you can take care of yourself right after a breathwork session.

Recommendations for taking care of yourself after breathwork

  • Drink a glass of water or a cup of tea. Be present with your drink - smell it, taste it and hold it with intention.

  • Light a scented candle or some incense. Gaze at the flame and enjoy the scent.

  • Take a bathroom break! Most people experience the urge to pee right after breathwork.

    If release is needed, relieve yourself!

  • Take a hot shower or a warm bath with minerals, salts, oils and flowers. Soak or shower without any distractions. Just be present with your body and the sensation of the hot water and scents around you.

  • Hug your companion animal or a loved one. Really feel into that hug. Pet your furry friend and feel into the softness of their fur. Connect with how they are experiencing your loving touch as well.

  • Eat a snack or a delicious meal. Leave the TV off and hide your phone from sight. Before you eat, smell your food and allow your mouth to water. This will help activate and support digestion.

  • Leave your electronics off for the rest of the night ( or day ) and avoid anything overstimulating to your nervous system. Be present in your own energy.

  • After grounding, go for a hike in nature or a short walk around your neighborhood. Leave your phone behind. Make it a meditative walk where you focus on breathing into your feet and looking intentionally at what’s around you.

  • Chat with someone about your breathwork experience and process out loud what came up for you. Remember to engage with your body somehow. Chatting can be quite intellectual and heady so maybe couple the chat with a nice hot tea or coffee or a meal or go on a walk together!

  • Sit and journal about your experience ( which I highly recommend in addition to what’s already been noted! ). Before and after sessions, I like to ask people how they are mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

When you assess your states pre-breathwork and then again post-breathwork, you gather really valuable information about your personal experience. This helps you engage in self-awareness and assesses your needs even further.

You might want to do all of this! 

There is no right or wrong answer if you are truly listening to your body. And that’s what taking care of yourself after breathwork is - listening to your body.

So listen <3

And if you’d like to join me for Breathwork, I would love to have you! Click below for more information.

Keep breathing,

jamie <3