self-care for pisces season


How are you feeling? How is your breath? How are you taking care of yourself? 

If there is anything worth noting in this space in regards to self-care, it’s that I really love taking care of myself with tools and practices that are aligned with the energy that I am in. Over the last five or six years, I’ve been tracking my own energy cycles and I can definitely say that the pattern is very well aligned to what’s happening in the sky. This is why I share practices and tools around the different astrological seasons and the zodiac signs. 

For this post, I decided to share the inspiration I'm vibing off of for Pisces season. I’ve also included some tools and practices that have been really supporting me so far during this season. But first let’s chat about what the sign of Pisces really is…

About Pisces |

Out of the four natural and energetic elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire), the sign of Pisces is of the Water element and is represented by two fish circling. Pisces signals endings, a shift in tides and letting go to allow more flow. It’s the final sign in a 12 sign season in the traditional zodiac. Of the water element, Pisces is about diving deep into the depths of the ocean, stirring your emotions, your dreams (waking + night) and also your vices and addictions. Pisces is ruled by the planet Jupiter, the largest and brightest planet in our solar system. This means a theme of abundance is in the air! It also means that sometimes there is too much of a good thing (like binge watching Netflix) - enter boundaries! 

During this season, I like to spend time working with my emotions, dreams and intuition. I find it necessary to make space for cultivating expansion in my dreams and desires. I also like to take inventory of where boundaries with self are needed (I’m currently working on one cup of coffee per morning vs. two!). It’s the perfect season for practicing self-compassion and witnessing powerful opportunities to cultivate self-love and self-acceptance. I know I tend to be a bit hard on myself and I’ve found the magic in Pisces is beauty in its most radical form. 

Pisces is deep, meaningful, lucky, charming and very much a visceral artist. 

Below are my favorite self-care practices for Pisces season (which can also be used anytime!). I hope they help you wade through the water!

| My Favorite Pisces Season Self-Care Tools + Practices |

Dancing around the house with my current favorite song

One of the songs on repeat lately for me is “Icarus” by White Hinterland. The first weekend of Pisces season I had the house to myself and I felt so moved by it’s beautiful and dreamy melody that I found myself “dance walking” around the entire house. I like to move my body throughout the day through short 10 minute walks and it happened to be a little too cold outside that day for my liking. Enter dance walking! Walking and moving while dancing to music intuitively. It’s become one of my favorite movement practices so far as physical movement really helps with moving stagnant energy out of the body. Bonus points for the intuitive dancing component since it provides me with a flow of emotional release and self-expression.  

Crystals for Pisces season

I love using crystals! They are the product of the alchemical process liquids and gases go through called crystallization. This process reminds me of my own internal alchemical process. A process of transmuting limiting beliefs of the mind, stagnant emotions and energy to remember that I too am beautiful - like a crystal of the Earth. 

I like to intuitively pick out which crystals call to me each season and then I take some time to clear and charge them with intentions. For clearing my crystals, I like to use a selenite charging plate because selenite is known to be a natural energy clearing agent. Then I charge each crystal with an intention based on why I intuitively chose it. You can also look up crystal meanings in books or online if you’d like to help with your charging. I personally keep my own crystal dictionary that I started when I received my first crystal from a mother of a friend of mine. 


Raw Kyanite, Botswana Agate, raw Citrine and raw Rainbow Fluorite stood out to me as my Pisces season helpers. 

I chose raw Kyanite for it’s gentle soothing nature. It felt appropriate to support me with my emotions and cultivating self-compassion. 

Botswana Agate has always been helpful for me when I need to call on inner courage, a must have for having help with setting boundaries this season and showing up for myself and others. 

Citrine is always beautiful to use as a supportive tool when you are wanting to work with money or call in the energy of the Sun. It’s brightness is said to chase away nightmares, which can be beneficial if you are engaging in dreamwork. 

I like to use Rainbow Fluorite for helping with mental clarity and grounding. Something to definitely call in during emotional Pisces season! Rainbow Fluorite is also said to be a protective stone. 

Making art 

I especially love messing around with my art supplies during this time of year. It almost feels like an escape from the world. It’s still very much winter where I live and it’s the toughest part of the season for me. Spring is almost around the corner but for now, snow and ice is lingering until at least late March! Because of this I like to channel my seasonal affective disorder and winter blues into some creative energy and fun. I’ve always loved painting and colors and using my intuitive abilities to make art. Making art has always connected me to my inner child, my emotions and my feminine side. It serves as an emotional release and a practice for self-expression making it a perfect practice for Pisces season. 


One of my favorite self-care practices is jotting down dreams in my dream journal or recording a dream note on my phone. 

I’ve been connecting with my dreams ever since my 8th grade psychology class where I was tasked to complete a week long documentation of my dreams in a dream journal assignment. I didn't think much would come of it at the time - I had never really thought about dreams before then. Years later, keeping a dream journal has served me the most when it comes to practicing self-awareness, trusting my intuition and making sense of my needs and self-care practices. I still remember to this day some of the dreams I wrote about that week in 8th grade Psychology. One even involved a sub sandwich that turned into a school bus from the show “The Magic School Bus” and me riding in it! 

Connecting with the Moon

It could be because my moon sign in my birth chart is in Pisces, but for some reason around this time of year I get really into re-visiting my books about the moon and tracking the moon cycles. I think it’s because Pisces is a very intuitive sign and the moon is a representation of our intuition, emotions and our subconscious (also related to dreamwork!). I have always loved the moon and always found support in its energy from planting the seed during the new moon to releasing and celebrating during the full moon and every cycle in between. The moon has always been there for me! 

Learning from fish and being like water

You’ve heard that Bruce Lee quote “Be like water”, right? Well, this season, I’ve really been leaning into the phrase “Be like fish”. I find myself energetically drawn to fish because Pisces energy. It sounds silly but I've been watching short YouTube videos to soak up their energy, observe their behaviors and learn from them. Fish are so resilient and what is fascinating to me is how they flow through the water in a way that is slow and steady yet purposeful. I love connecting with animals so this might sound weird to some, but if you are empathic like me then you probably feel the same way! 


And I highly recommend watching the Netflix documentary “My Octopus Teacher”. I watched this a couple of years ago when it first came out and it made me cry! It’s a beautiful representation of how we are all connected to each other and are more alike with animals and nature than we think. This is such a Piscean notion - the spirituality and theme of universality is much about Piscean energy. We truly are all connected though! All we have to do is take the time to be present with our environment and our surroundings to really get in touch with each other. 


So you can see, I really love taking care of myself with tools and practices that are aligned with the energy that I am in because it feels so intentional. I know I am supported by the cosmos through the energy that’s already available to work with. I also know that the energy I am moving through is the energy you might be moving through. Because we are all connected through this collective energy and the stars and planets. 

Connecting with your energy and taking care of it is so important to living a soul led life. If you are interested in taking some intentional self-care time to connect with your own energy, you can join me in a live group breathwork session. Group breathwork sessions are virtual and usually offered once a month. They are created by me with thoughtful intention and are typically influenced by current astrological seasons and events. Click below to find out when the next group breathwork session is and join!


*Need a more support? Feeling like group breathwork might not be your thing? No worries, I also facilitate 1:1 sessions. Click here for scheduling.