a dream I had and how it cleared my chakras


when it comes to healing…..

“You just have to take a step back and let your body take the lead.”


Have you ever had a dream that you wake up from and it stays with you? You remember vivid details - colors, feelings, people and what they said. You remember the things you said, but it only feels like a better version of yourself? I believe this is the experience of lucid dreaming.

As I type this, I am taking in the aesthetically pleasing visual of a beautiful lilac bush. A picture I took of it - up close and personal. I am wondering about our intuitive nature as souls in a body living a human life. And how much we might really be capable of when it comes to healing ourselves if we just stop to pause, witness and reflect. 

My experience with dreams and lucid dreaming

I have been lucid dreaming since I was in junior high. The first time I learned about dreams and dream work was in a psychology class. We were given an assignment to journal our dreams from the night before. We were instructed to record every morning for one week. We were to record every detail we could remember, like recalling a movie you just watched. Our teacher also insisted that we record our key emotions and anything that resonated with them like a person, situation or symbol. As I recorded my dreams every morning, I became excited about all the things I was able to recall. I still remember to this day one of my dreams that included the bus from the PBS show “The Magic School Bus”. It was so silly and wild! 

Since then, I have been recording my dreams here and there and analyzing. I remember in high school and college talking to my friends about their dreams and helping them sort out what their dreams were telling them about their waking lives. It became a valuable tool for self reflection, making decisions, and working through waking emotions that seem harder to do in waking life. 

Today, when I record my dreams I perceive them much differently. There are the occasional dreams where I am merely a participant just sorting through things - sort of like playing a role in a movie. 

In “A Little Bit of Dreams” by Stace Michaels the author describes the process of dreaming from a logical standpoint of your brain sorting through things like there’s an “inbox” and “outbox”. Sort of like a mailroom for the postal service. You have an “inbox” that gets filled with your experiences of the day and when you sleep, your brain sorts through your inbox and notes what needs to be processed deeper in a dream state and what is just routed “out”. I remember a dream like this. I was travelling in Thailand and my mother was with me. She was behaving in a way that made me feel annoyed. Later that night, I dreamed that I was cleaning a really dirty house by myself and when I looked at my hand there were bugs crawling out of it. When I woke I instantly knew (from experience) that when I dream of bugs crawling around it metaphorically means something is bugging me and that I am not addressing it. So I had a conversation with my mom about her behavior and we resolved the issue. 


Sometimes I have dreams that feel deeper. 

More intense.

And these I know are completely healing.

Let me give you an example.

The dream that cleared my chakras

Last night I had a dream that I was in a relationship with someone. I experienced our relationship in a really beautiful way. I could feel we were soulmates - meant to be with one another. I felt so much love, passion and intimacy from hugging him and kissing him and really just being with him. But then we were in a fight. We were traveling with family (it was a post - apocalyptic dream). One of the family members asked us “Why aren’t you two married? You’re perfect for each other.” Then I looked at him and he looked back at me. I could tell he still loved me but was really hurt and wanted me to make the first move. I said, “I don’t know.” And he said, “You broke up with me.” I explained that it felt right at the time and that he did make a mistake. But it was a very small forgivable mistake. Like stealing a spoon versus the whole silverware set. 

That is just a weird analogy my brain gave me to help me understand the non-severity of the mistake! Our brains are really smart at trying to keep things simple and notable just to assure that when we awake we will understand the meaning behind the metaphor - our brains are so smart! 

When I said the analogy out loud in my dream to my partner, I felt safe enough to forgive him in that moment for what he did.

I told him that the real reason I broke things off was because I didn’t believe someone like him could ever really love someone like me. He was handsome and kind and I didn’t feel worthy of him and the love he was ready to give me. He walked closer to me and said, “Can we finish this talk in private?” He grabbed my hand and I followed him into the next room. 

Then I woke up. (Darn!) But, the last feelings I felt in my dream right before I woke up were related to this: an equal partnership, it’s okay to be vulnerable, it’s okay to trust him, there is real love, there is a soul connection and we are meant to be, you are capable of all of this, and you are worthy of all of this. 

When I woke this morning and recorded my dream - it hit me.

The connection : How this dream cleared my chakras and how I integrated it into my waking life

Since the recent New Moon in Cancer, I’ve been feeling REALLY vulnerable. It’s also eclipse season and I’ve been thinking a lot about my heart’s desires related to finding a partner in this life. But, have been holding myself back from being open to finding love because of several past relationships which have failed horribly and also been wrecked with codependency, fear, attachment issues and issues of abandonment. A major sacral chakra block of mine.

I know I’ve been doing the work to resolve all of those patterns. 

I’ve healed a lot of lessons I am meant to heal in this lifetime ( I know there is more because there always will be ) but to this - the partnership, the “big love” - I’m ready. And my dream was a way for myself to let me know that and feel that. 

This dream took the energy in my Heart’s center (heart chakra) and pulled it down into my sacral chakra to clear any fear of starting a new relationship with someone. It also showed me that because I have been putting in the work when it comes to my own self-worth and having what I want that I AM worthy of it. My dream showed me what it actually feels like to not fear love in real time. It was like testing it out in a virtual reality. It showed me that I am capable of having a partnership that is on a soul level because my intuition (solar plexus) will tell me when it feels right with someone. Feeling that trust and that healing love energy flow through my solar plexus and my sacral chakra was amazing.

Not only did it clear my lower chakras, it also cleared my upper chakras in that dream. The moment I was honest with the man in my dream, when I spoke it to him and he asked for my hand I could feel that speaking my heart’s truth of why I broke things off was an act of self - agency. To level the scales and balance my Libra nature (hello south moon node lesson!) To speak my side and have it be known. It also felt safe for me to do this which tells me there was root chakra energy flowing throughout this dream too. 

When I woke up I was in a haze. I really beautiful haze. I felt so much love radiating from me. All morning I’ve been listening to a playlist I made called “Deep Inside My Heart” - all my favorite love songs I saved. 

Why am I sharing this?

I am sharing this because you can do this too. 

You can heal your chakras through your dreams and you probably are already doing it and aren’t even realizing it. 

One thing I’ve learned on my own healing journey is that as humans we tend to overcomplicate things. When I started having sleep issues recently and became frustrated with waking up at 3am and not being able to fall back asleep, I started to feel horrible about it. Like there was something I wasn’t doing right or that I needed to try harder. Then I was off loading to someone about it and they said, “Could you just maybe rest if you can’t fall asleep?” So the following night I tried it. I did everything I was supposed to in order to give my body extra and help it fall asleep (naturally). I ate vegetables for dinner and avoided sugar to ward off inflammation, I took a warm soothing shower and turned off all my technology at 9pm. I got into bed and read a book. Then I fell asleep. I woke up again at 3 am but instead of being hard on myself and feeling frustrated I accepted this was where I was at in my journey to healthy sleep and just laid there with my eyes closed. It felt so soothing to just rest with my eyes closed. Then, I fell back asleep. 

So we tend to over-complicate things -  quite a bit. 

If you are working on healing, whatever it might be, trust that you know what to do. And follow through on it. Be it simple like resting with your eyes closed or be it work like checking off your self - care list.  

You just have to take a step back and let your body take the lead.

In my case of the chakra clearing dream above, my soul, subconscious and energy centers took the lead. They all knew how to find the melody to create a virtual experience in my mind that led to a symphony of emotions and energy that I feel so powerfully now in my waking life. They assured me I have nothing to fear because I know now what I am capable of. And I trust it.

Until next time, 

Be easy on yourself. Take Care.


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