feeling into transitions


In the Northern hemisphere, The Garden is transitioning. It’s moving within. It’s wilting, turning, mulching and allowing the brightness of summer to leak from it’s veins. And it’s a good thing. It is finally fall. 

I love this time of year….

photo + post by jamie schumann

We eat a little heartier, we bundle our bodies in blankets, sweaters and coziness.

Heat is released all around us. 

The darkness lingers in the morning and creeps up quickly in the night.

What dwells within us becomes thicker, richer and notices the pace we’ve been moving in is not sustainable all year round.

We are asked to prepare to slow down and practice becoming sacred inside ourselves with silence, stillness and prayer. 

It’s a slow, churning process. You can see it in the aging and dying of nature’s once supple and bursting, blooming buds. 

We are coming full circle, very soon.

Moving through liminal space

As we move past the midway point of the summer and winter solstice (Samhain/All Hallow’s Eve) we move through a point of liminal space, an experience of feeling the in between of not yet here and haven’t quite left yet. In this space, during this season, we remember the past and our bloodlines before us. We connect them to our present in the hopes for an even brighter more courageous future. 

We celebrate them, we protect ourselves and we ask for wisdom and guidance to help us move forward. 

Now is the time to gently face our fears. And face our shadows. The parts of ourselves that keep us from growing. The pieces of who we are that inflame our ego, deflate our self worth and lurk in the nightmare that we are not the person we hoped we would be, but know we are.

Confronting your shadows will keep you whole.  

Now is the time to reflect on the past in order to move forward. To go deep. As our hearts and spirits ask us what needs to be released and put to rest for good. A way of thinking, a behavior, a way of being or even a person or presence in your life that you know no longer serves you. 

Let go, in order to move forward with a new ability to dive deeper and deeper into ourselves and out places of rest so we can lucid dream a little longer when the comfort of winter comes calling. 

Knowing that in the near future the flowers will begin to spring and bud, the air will become lighter and will sun return to it’s summer position once again. When we can emerge as another complete and whole version of ourselves. 

Another beautiful reminder : Although nature in the Northern hemisphere is surrounded in the change of loss, dying off, mulching and going within…the Southern hemisphere is blooming. This serves as proof that we can hold opposing experiences at the same time.

As above, so below.

As within, so without.

If you’d like some additional support in letting go and inching towards a new beginning, book a 1:1 breathwork session or join a group event. I will create a gentle space to breathe, feel and get in touch with what it really means to embody the wilting process and letting go <3