on becoming


It’s a beautiful sunny morning. As the warm rays of the sun sprawl gently through my curtained windows, I pause...savoring my coffee... and feeling into what it means to become

This life is about accepting the inner self. It’s about becoming acutely aware of our own consciousness. Not just the responsibility or result of our actions and not just our intentions. But, on a much deeper level, the consciousness of our inner working as we support ourselves and others through this experience we call life. 

Becoming isn’t an action.

Becoming is a state of being.

How are you being lately? Are you allowing yourself to be?

Systemic oppression, racism, the patriarchy and inequities can make it really challenging to just be. 

Where are your trusted external places you can go for refuge? Who are your people? Who are those you can be in true clean relations with and confide in?

Becoming takes your own will, forgiveness, initiation, acceptance, self - love and self - trust. It also takes the vulnerability of allowing yourself to be loved and cared for by others. A reciprocal motion of give and take in love, trust and holding for one another. This could quite possibly be the most beautiful thing about becoming.

Becoming is not a place to strive for, but a place of rest and nurture. One single moment in time repeated by another as a moment to moment commitment to yourself. 

When you become, you learn to let go.

When you let go, you learn to let in.

When you let in, truly let it all in, you learn that the things you thought you needed are nothing but the ways you learned to protect yourself from actually letting go.

Sometimes becoming is about finding your way back to your truest self, and sometimes finding who you really are means letting go of who you thought you should become. 

The most beautiful notion of becoming is the cyclical experience of expansion it holds. Like every blooming flower in a waking garden…becoming becomes again and again.

I love how I am becoming

Do you?

Keep planting,


If you’d like some additional support in being more present through your own becoming, book a 1:1 breathwork session or join a group event. I will create a gentle space to breathe, feel and get in touch with letting go of who you think you should be and breathing into who you know you truly are <3

***Listen to Episode #6 of The Collective Inner Garden Podcast to hear more about how this poem helped me reconnect to my values and life purpose during the Blood Moon Eclipse in November 2022.