untamed creativity & liberating self-expression under a Leo New Moon


A beautiful, fierce, passionate, boundless New Moon in the mighty sign of Leo arrives on August 16th. As this New Moon approaches, I am reflecting on how I can fully commit to unleashing an untamed sense of self through my art, poetry writing and allowing myself to shine and be seen as the creative artist I am.

The New Moon & Intention Setting

A New Moon in the sky brings us with a new beginning. It marks a brand new point in the Moon’s cycle which means it’s a fertile time for setting your intentions and taking stock of your desires, needs and what you want to focus on bringing into the material realm during this next Moon cycle. Setting your intention means connecting to what you feel deeply within your body, mind and soul the things you want to live out in your life or call forward - what you want to create and experience.

Some New Moons are potent for setting intentions, clearing, shedding, organizing and spell casting. There also might be other New Moons that feel really appropriate for just experiencing them. I usually like to get present with my body, mind and emotions a few days before the Moon shifts into New or Full and ask myself what I’m feeling into.

This New Moon in Leo has me feeling more of a “just be it” energy instead of “magnetize it to you” energy. So instead of setting a full intention, I’ll be sharing some helpful things that have been supporting me in following through on my creative yearnings. I still have some affirmations to share to support the embodiment part of this and you can read on to dive deeper into the creative and boundless energy for this New Moon…

Leo - The “I shine” Archetype of the Zodiac

Under the last Full Moon in Aquarius, I wrote about how given that we are in Leo season (until next week), you might just find that you feel more like yourself than ever before since Leo is a sign that is very much about the self and identity. With this New Moon in Leo under a Leo Sun we will feel this even more! We will also be feeling encouragement around letting ourselves shine bright and letting go of any fear around it, as Leo wouldn’t have it any other way.

Remember that Leo is represented by the archetype of the Lion - a creature that leads the land with a bold energy of self. Leo is ruled by the Sun in astrology and the Sun represents the self (it’s glyph on the birth chart is literally a circle with a dot in the middle). With Leo, the self is now interested in sharing the story of your whole heart through the power of emotional exposure and emotional connection. This can look like your emotional connection to your values and why you believe in the things you believe in, your creativity and how you express yourself or your connection work (it can also be all of it).

Keep in mind that although Leo leads with the heart and emotions, it is not an entirely emotional sign like a water sign. It merely uses emotional connection to light a fire for itself and others. This fire is more interested in the long haul as Leo is a fixed sign dedicated to keeping action sustainable and the preservation of it solidifies worthiness and boldness of self expression above all.

Leo is also ruled by the 5th House in Astrology - a house dedicated to pleasure, fun, games, hobbies and creativity. This New Moon may have you wanting to connect more with that side of yourself or even your inner child. Think about some of the things that make you feel playful, that you take pleasure in doing and enjoy. Creativity doesn’t have to mean painting, drawing or writing if that isn’t what gets you excited - it could be making a meal, baking a cake or even gardening. It could be literally just getting outside and dancing in the rain or making mud pies with on your own or with your kiddos, your neighbors kids or your siblings kids.

Helpful Things That Support Me In

Following Through On My Own Creative Yearnings

Not holding myself to a schedule

I recently had a conversation with others about the difference between accountability and scheduling creative time. While I’ve struggled with this in the past, I’ve found that sometimes the magic happens only if we allow it to flow. Creating a schedule can sometimes get in the way of my own creative process. When I feel like I am forced to make something, it no longer feels special to me but more like a product to be consumed by others. This kills my creativity and my connection to it. Keeping myself open to learning what works for me while respecting the need to complete projects is the process I am engaging with right now. And for now, that means not being restricted by time as a boundary. It also means experimenting with the time of day (or times of day) when I feel most creatively energized. This is what will help me ultimately build sustainability in working with my craft and developing my skills - something that every creative knows is deeply important.

Sharing my work with others as a form of accountability

Once I decided that time wasn’t a helpful form of accountability for my creativity, I realized I needed something else to keep me on track with completing my project(s). One of the best forms of accountability for me has always been people. People are wonderful! The best support systems will share their work with you as well, celebrate your wins and take risks in being vulnerable with you and others in the group by letting everyone know what they’re struggling with and what they need help with. When I see others taking that risk in showing their vulnerable side, it makes me want to open up completely and share too. It also helps to have spaces to set mini goals and tasks to commit to - places you can connect and post to, to receive support and just show up where you’re at for accountability in your process. Connecting to others can help stay inspired and connected to your creative process and therefore reinforce your commitment to your creative projects.

Staying mindful of the experience I’m having in moments of surrender to the force

One of the most supportive things that’s always helped me is just being mindful and present and taking in the experience of making something in real time. When we create something we are surrendering to something greater than ourselves - like a force (insert Start Wars Jedi reference here!). Being mindful in these moments of what my body, mind and spirit actually feels like when I am communing with my creative muses and surrendering to their gifts makes me feel so alive, so beautiful and this is what (for me) it’s all about. This is the experience every creative is after (IMO). It’s what feeds us, what keeps us feeling connected to that which is greater than us. It’s one of the most pleasurable things about being human. Being mindful of the experience is really what keeps me coming back to my creativity again and again.

Consider the following to reflect or meditate on

during this New Moon in Leo :

What are your favorite ways to play, explore and create? How do you make time for your hobbies & favorite activities that bring your life, energy and connection to yourself and identity?

What stops you, if anything, from sharing your voice or from expressing your true self to the world? How can you tap into your untamed creative self and breakthrough or release what stops you? What practices or support do you need while you navigate this process of meeting your growing edge in love and kindness?

What or who inspires you to share your creations and passions with others?

What are the values that guide your work? What messages do you want others to know when it comes to the things you stand for? What channels, platforms, groups or microphones are here to spread, uplift and support your messaging?

New Moon in Leo Breathwork & Affirmations

for Untamed Creativity & Liberating Self-Expression

- The Practice -

Set your intention for this practice to use your breath to help release any blocks, emotional resistance or constraints you feel around unleashing your creative side and expressing your creativity fully.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths inhaling deep into your belly, feeling your sides expand and slowly exhaling all the way out your mouth making a sighing sound of release.

Read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth.

To really be intentional with each affirmation, you can take an intentional cycle of breath (one inhale and exhale) before and after reading each affirmation.

Repeat as often as you need to.

Your can also listen to this meditation and practice the affirmations with me on The Collective Inner Garden Podcast Episode 19 below <3


Affirmation One

"I give myself permission to be seen for who I am fully and unapologetically.

When I let myself take up space wholeheartedly, it gives others opportunities to take up space right along next to me.”

Affirmation Two

"I take sacred action to follow through on my creative yearnings.

I am a vessel for divine creativity and divinity is just begging me to express myself to the world."

Affirmation Three

"My voice is unique and my life experiences attribute to my personal kind of brightness.

I know I can shine boldly and share openly regardless of what feels similar about my work that has been created and shared by others in the past. Similarities are familiar and what’s familiar creates connection. Connection is needed now more than ever.”

If you want to breathe in community, check out my live events page for upcoming sessions.

OR… Book a One-To-One Breathwork session for more personalized support.

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