becoming the leader of your life with the Full Moon in Sagittarius
A Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives this Saturday, June 3rd and of lately, I have been feeling a deep call from within to look at my life with self-honesty and decide how I can continue to live an embodied life. Where I am my truest self and above all, the leader of my life - this life that I chose.
The Full Moon
If the New Moon represents a new beginning and a fertile time to plant your seeds with intention setting, then the Full Moon’s significance provides us with a beautiful opportunity to not only check in with those planted seeds, but harvest their bounty.
If you look to the sky during a Full Moon, you will see it in all its glory - bright, bountiful, beautiful and shining with a light that abundantly brightens the path ahead of us helping to see and connect with our intuition and the symbols we need to notice, the breadcrumbs for moving forward in our healing journey. This reminds me of cairns - a type of trail marker on a hiking trail formed by small or large rock piles. Cairns are symbols that you are going the right direction on the hiking trail. If you follow the cairns, you will always be able to find your way.
The Full Moon always shines no matter what - even when it’s cloudy. It shows up for itself regardless of what is happening with a pure steady rhythm of taking up space in our sky. Sometimes the Moon even shows during the daytime during its waxing phases to Full! For me the Full Moon can symbolize a type of trail marker and checkpoint for moving in the best direction in my journey.
a cairn to help guide me and stay on trail found on a hiking trip in Arizona.
This is why I love looking to the Moon as an embodied archetype.
I often find that during the Full Moon I will consider my New Moon intentions and see them as seedlings that have possibly grown into something new, different or more. Because that is what the Full Moon’s celestial grace is all about - seeing a new perspective that can represent how we’ve grown into our wholeness since the start of the cycle we are in.
During a Full Moon, I am reminded of all the ways I am embodied within my physical body and I give gratitude for my life on this planet and all I’ve learned and still have to learn. Since Full Moons shine brightly and light up the sky, there is a sense of illumination that can happen - a revelation or Aha! of some sort. We might feel jittery, more energetic and rambunctious during a Full Moon.
This is also why it’s so important to make room for stillness, peace and quite during a Full Moon. When we make room in our bodies and our minds for rest, we can fully hear our intuition - our inner knowing and solidify our connection to innate intelligence (what tells the flowers to bloom and the Moon to move about in it’s cycles).
I tend to have the nature of someone who is always driving myself forward and looking to the future - forever growing, evolving and shifting with what’s happening around me. While this is a spectacular way to live, I sometimes find that I forget to pause and really celebrate and consider all that got me to each lived moment. For this reason, I love using the Full Moon as a check-in point for celebrating my wholeness and inner well of abundance (aka my connection to spirit, intuition and innate intelligence). I do this by working with themes of letting go, celebration, gratitude and acknowledgement during a Full Moon.
The Full Moon truly provides me with a much needed respite for play, self-care, rest, self-love and above all acceptance of my journey.
Healing with Sagittarius - The Optimistic Teacher
This upcoming Full Moon will pass through the fiery sign of Sagittarius. (Remember that Fire is the element of creativity, passion, courage, inspiration and change). Sagittarius is the 9th sign in the annual calendar of the zodiac ruled by the 9th house of spirituality, higher learning and travel. It is also ruled by the planet Jupiter - the planet of abundance, expansion, generosity and wisdom.
When I see Sagittarius’s position in the broader scope of the year, I see it is positioned near the end of our annual journey. Meaning at that point we’ve journeyed through a lot and have probably learned so much. We’ve most likely grown quite a bit and because of that are more capable of showing up as our true selves in remembering who we are, who we came here to be and the work and purpose we’re here to do with ourselves, each other and the planet. This is why I feel Sagittarius is so wise and such an incredible teacher.
Sagittarius comes after the sign of Scorpio, a water sign of death and rebirth. So, for Sagittarius it makes sense that we get back into life with a newly found zest, ambition, drive and also precision for meeting our goals and having our desires. Sagittarius is also represented by the archer - a centaur with a bow and arrow which also helps us connect with that firey drive inside of us. When I think of centaurs in Greek mythology I think of Chiron.
I don’t know a ton about Chiron but from what I’ve read, they were a very well known centaur who was a teacher to the great Heroes and Gods. I also learned that Chiron in astrology is an astroid in your birth chart that represents your greatest wound. In astrology, Chiron is the wounded healer - a healer who could not heal themselves. But, I have heard many astrologers refer to this very reason as to why Chiron is such an amazing teacher. You’ve heard the phrase “your pain is your purpose”? It implies that your greatest wounds in your life are your greatest teachers because they allow you to heal deep, deep, deep within in such a way that you can master those aspects of your healing and show up for others to help them heal similar wounds.
Sagittarius is also an optimistic adventurer that packs their bags lightly for the adventure. I also feel like Sagittarius is a highly spiritual sign with their feet planted firmly on the ground - an adventurous omen with the spirit of a nature enthusiast with a craving for freedom and fun.
Sagittarius & The Full Moon - Becoming the Leader of Your Life
When I initially tapped into this Full Moon, I struggled to connect. As the week unfolded, I looked back over the past couple of weeks and connected the dots for the energy themes and what’s showing up for me now.
One thing that Sagittarius is great at is being direct, honest and blunt - no fuss, it is what it is. Sagittarius also feels like a truth seeker and a truth barer. Sagittarius is very straightforward (the symbol of the arrow). This was probably why I initially struggled to tap into its energy. I was trying to dig deeper when it was just there existing in front of me.
I’ll explain through an insightful moment I had recently…
A couple of weeks ago I was out hiking on my favorite trail and I heard a mantra come into my head. As the rhythm of my feet and the pulse of my heart came into synch with contact to the forest floor, I heard in my head, “I am the leader of my path - the that I chose.” I began to repeat it over and over to myself during my hike - a beautiful healing experience with a realization that it was time to really look at the person I have become, celebrate her and continue on my path with purpose and a sense of freedom and courage as my trust self.
This became my Sagittarius Full Moon affirmation.
If you are asking yourself how you can be the leader of your own life, try the following…
3 Things That Have Helped Me Become the Leader of My Life :
Cultivate a Daily Practice
I strongly believe that being the leader of your life means taking consistent care of your own wellbeing and your connection to your body and your soul (your intuition). This is the one lesson I’ve learned above everything else to be most important. When self-care and spiritual practices are consistently implemented on a daily basis, the impact is tenfold because it becomes a habit. When something is a habit, it is done out of a necessity that stems from instinct. This is powerful because through building a habit that supports wellbeing, we learn to do the thing that’s nurturing to us even when we don’t feel like it.
I don’t practice self-care just because it makes me feel good, I do it because I know I will need the support of the habit of taking care of myself on the days when I don’t feel good and don’t want to show up to my practice. This creates my own reality of having inner support.
And our habits do help shape our own reality. What you chose to show up to day in and day out is your reality - your life. This is why practices like daily prayer or affirmations are so powerful - we don’t pray to support what we serve (whether that’s a deity, God, the Universe, The Great Unknown, Buddha or what it is you look to), but, the act of showing up to the practice of prayer is for us.
Cultivate a daily practice whether it be breathwork, meditation, mindful walks, chanting, writing, yoga or setting your intention in the morning. Whatever you chose, do it daily and commit to it fully. You will find yourself cultivating a sense of inner support that will help you lead from a sturdy foundation.
Get Honest with Yourself
One of the most helpful tools in my toolkit when it comes to being the leader of my own life is self-honesty. And although it can be challenging, it’s worth it in the long run. Because having self-honesty means that you are challenging yourself in building your personal integrity - a crucial characteristic that is helpful when you find yourself in a power struggle with another person or a system that is triggering your wounds or challenging your values. And being the leader of your life means understanding how power is used and recognizing the moments when you feel the struggle happening.
Getting honest with yourself is the process of taking a good look at who you are and understanding from a nonjudgemental and compassionate point of view what you need to change in your life in order to live it to its fullest in harmony with yourself and those around you. So important if you want to be the leader of your own life.
Become Adaptable
Adaptability is one of my greatest natural strengths. And sometimes I still struggle with it (enter self-honesty!). This is because before I saw my adaptability as a strength, I saw it as a weakness. I used to see my own adaptability playing out as a form of people pleasing and getting pushed over. I cringed at the thought of how easy it was for me to just “go with the flow.”
But what I’ve learned about adaptability is that it’s not just about going with the flow. In order for you to go with the flow in a sustainable way, you have to be able to take a subtle pause and stay grounded so you can make decisions from a place of integrity. That means having boundaries, knowing your truest values, self-worth and accepting yourself for who you are and what you want.
I believe that when we can be adaptable, we learn to surrender to the present. To see reality as only the present moment, to be taken in step by step. When we learn to adapt we become really good at seeing our mistakes not as mistakes but as opportunities for learning and growth. Instead of cringing at our past mistakes we can look at them and say, “Oh, there was opportunity in that moment” and we take that wisdom forward. We get good at looking to the future and seeing possibility. And having a vision for your future that supports your possibility for growth is a strong quality of good personal leadership.
Consider the following to reflect or meditate on
during this Full Moon in Sagittarius :
What flare ups have you experienced around any old hurts or wounds recently? This can be anything - old truths that have expired, habits that have run their course with you or lifestyle routines. Know you are already the person you long to become deep down inside, as you’ve lived many lives before and learned the lessons for this life.
What are you releasing to become? How can you let go and forgive yourself and forgive others?think of what you’ve held onto for way too long - reoccurring pains, triggers and ouchies that feel like you’ve had your whole life.
Who is the person you are becoming? What is the voice you want to be? For yourself? For others?What are your traits, characteristics beliefs, values, truths or habits of who you are becoming? Write it out or list it out!
How can you bring more adventure into your life? More optimism and fun to lighten your load as you travel on this healing journey?
Full Moon in Sagittarius Breathwork & Affirmations
for Acknowledging, Letting Go and Celebrating Your Wholeness
- The Practice -
Set your intention for this practice to use your breath to help invite in inspiration and courage to be your truest self and the leader of your life for this Full Moon in Sagittarius.
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths inhaling deep into your belly, feeling your sides expand and slowly exhaling all the way out your nose.
Read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth.
To really be intentional with each affirmation, you can take an intentional cycle of breath (one inhale and exhale) before and after reading each affirmation.
Repeat as often as you need to.
Affirmation One
“By the light of the Full Moon, I release old hurts I’ve held onto for far too long. I forgive myself and I forgive others.
I know that when I travel lightly on my path, I get to where I’m going with ease.”
Affirmation Two
“By the light of the Full Moon, I release old stories that are untrue and no longer serve me.
My truest truths are supported by my inner wisdom and my body knows it without doubt.”
Affirmation Three
“By the light of the Full Moon, I release what holds me back from being the compassionate leader of my life-this life that I chose.
As I practice sacred self-honesty, I work to live with acceptance and I witness my inner strength growing abundantly.”
Ready to work more intentionally with releasing what’s holding you back? Book a One-To-One Breathwork session. I’ll create a unique experience to support you in your journey. <3
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