how this New Moon in Taurus can help you cultivate abundance through slowing down with 5 mindful practices & 3 affirmations for support


The New Moon in Taurus arrives on Friday, May 19th and it has me pondering what seeds I’d like to plant for this cycle around cultivating patience, stability and abundance in my life and relationships.

The New Moon & Intention Setting

A New Moon in the sky brings us with a new beginning. It marks a brand new point in the Moon’s cycle (lasting about 28 days in total) which means it’s a fertile time for setting your intentions and taking stock of your desires, needs and what you want to focus on bringing into the material realm during this next cycle.

One of my favorite practices that I personally use during the New Moon (and facilitate in my New Moon Breathwork & Reiki sessions!), is sitting, getting quiet and connected to my breath. I love allowing my New Moon intention to just come to me through visualizing a seed being planted into my heart space. I breath deeply into my belly and watch the seed grow inside of me - knowing that with every breath I take, the opportunities and action steps I need will appear to me through trust and connection with my intuition as the Moon waxes to full.

Taurus & The Moon

With the Moon entering Taurus during this new phase, it’s a wonderful time to focus any intentions you have around cultivating patience, working with your self-worth and understanding your relationship to abundance.

Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac. It’s an Earth sign that provides us with the energy of grounding and stabilizing. It takes what we were inspired to take action on or start during Aries season, and asks us in the most practical way how we can work to manifest, build and tend to it. So that it can grow in the most bountiful and abundant way possible and have staying power in our lives. Unlike Aries, Taurus is about slow, methodical (and enjoyable) steps. It really reminds me of that old adage - planting the seed, tending to it and watching it grow then savoring the bounty of it.

With the Moon in Taurus, we are encouraged to put our feelings aside around things not happening quickly enough for us and embrace new ways of being, thinking and experiencing. Ways that are slower, more pleasurable and more mindful in nature.

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the planet that corresponds to our relationships, including our relationships to romantic partners, friends, money and self. Venus also corresponds to our values connections, money and love. Venus (and Taurus) are about how we act on and embody our values to live lives that are more enjoyable and pleasure filled.

Taurus is also represented in the zodiac as the Bull - a large creature that embodies protectiveness, practicality, abundance, new growth, patience, and playfulness with a hardworking nature. Bulls have thicker bones, larger legs and feet and very muscular necks - all physical traits of stability. In esoteric anatomy (a spiritual approach to bodywork and healing), Taurus rules the neck (moving down the body from Aries ruling the head). In this context, I like to think of how our neck stabilizes our connection of our head to our shoulders or how we bring our ideas from our heads into the material world (either through writing, expressing and speaking - a throat chakra activity which lies within the neck).

Remember, the Moon represents our intuition, emotions and our bodies. So just pay attention to what’s coming up for you intuitively, emotionally and what you might need in regards to nurturing yourself and your body. I know I’ve needed to take extra care of my neck this Taurus season through stretching, rolling and gentle exercises. It’s really helped my connection to my voice and self-expression lately.

You can use the above Taurus themes to help guide your reflections and set your intentions for this Taurus New Moon.

Cultivating Patience & Abundance Through Slowing Down

- A Taurean Challenge

One of the hardest things about Taurus season (and the Moon in Taurus) is that it’s going to feel like the opposite of Aries. In Aries season, we learn to follow our impulses and intuitive nudges by quickly taking firey action. Taurus says, “That’s really great! But, how are you going to make it last? How is that idea, project or inspirational thing embodying your values? How is it providing you with the support and stability you need long term to grow?” Taurus wants us to build something incredibly meaningful with long-lasting staying power and enjoy the process of watching it grow over time!

I believe the best practices, lessons and bounties we can receive come from practicing patience with ourselves and those around us. This involves slowing down, judging ourselves less and being more mindful of our experiences. Taking things in with compassion. Working on curbing impulses and urges, especially when they leave us feeling depleted, out of resources and with self-loathing.

When we can slow down, be more intentional about what we are working on and why it’s important to us, we are much more likely to be able to build something without burning ourselves out. When we practice mindfulness, we also create more space for our energy to expand. This is because we aren’t rushing through our days, our work, conversations or practices on autopilot. So many of us express how we wish we had more time on our schedules. But what if we could flip the idea of time on its head by creating space for mindfulness? Through mindful practices we can receive what’s already around us tenfold-including the present moment. And that feels abundant!

5 ways I like to practice mindfulness for abundance :

Skip multitasking all together

Focus on one task at a time like eating meals in a quiet place without distractions like TV or phone. Eat your meals or sip your tea with gratitude for who prepared it and all the work that was put into . Don’t forget to fully chew your food.


Cut back wherever you can. Cut back on your expenses, your projects, commitments, and to do lists. You can also clear out any material possessions laying around that you haven’t touched for more than a year. I know letting go of things isn’t easy. We are often very attached to our material possessions and our commitments to others. And, taking the bravest, smallest steps to make life easier for yourself will bring you huge gains in your wellness. Simplifying your life will make it much easier to be present.

Schedule worry time

I know this sounds counterintuitive to mindfulness but trust me, it works! It’s hard to be mindful if you are constantly worrying about things you have to do or what’s going to happen in your future. I am an avid worrier and it keeps my nervous system occupied and in a hyper vigilant cycle of stress. Some of which is actually unnecessary (things I just can’t control).

When I schedule time to hold space for my worries, I can feel heard and seen in them. It makes them feel legit and it helps give me courage to address them if needed with a plan of action or letting them go. Schedule 5 minutes or 10 minutes a day or a week (whatever time you have) to just worry. After acknowledging them, your mind will be able to best set course for addressing them with action or letting them be.

Take a mindful walk

One of my favorite things I like to do to break up my workday is take 10 minute mindful walking breaks at least 3 times a day. On my walk, I leave my phone at home and instead experience what’s around me. I take in the sights of the trees, the birds, the squirrels running around and eating their nuts. I feel the breeze on my face and the sun shining down. I also focus on my steps and feel the sensation of my foot making contact on the pavement through my shoes. It’s a refreshing way to break during the day.

Focus on your breath

Of course, my absolute favorite mindful practice is a breathwork meditation. I like to take just 15 minutes as part of my morning routine to sit or lie down and focus on my breath. I practice diaphragmatic breathing (also known as belly breathing) and sometimes Oceanic breathing (a pranayama technique). I focus my attention on the sound of my breath in my throat and on the rising and falling of my chest and contraction and expansion of my side body. For 15 minutes a day, I just let my thoughts pass by like clouds in the sky focusing on breath all without judgement. It’s not always easy, but it’s one of those practices that will teach you how to cultivate patience inside of yourself over and over again!

Consider the following to reflect or meditate on

during this New Moon in Taurus :

Where can you practice patience with yourself? How about with others or your environment?

How can you let the phrase “little by little” support what you’re building or working towards for long-term?

What stories are you telling yourself about your behaviors within your relationships? How are these stories connected to your self-worth? What inner stories reflect your own personal truth? What do you need to take care of yourself and your relationships? (Consider all your relationships - relationship to self, money, family, friends, business, partners, etc.)

What stability are you currently grasping for? How can you create an internal sense of stability in this present moment? How can you let this internal sense of stability support you for the long haul?

New Moon in Taurus Breathwork & Affirmations

to Support You for Planting Seeds This Cycle

- The Practice -

Set your intention for this practice to use your breath to help cultivate inner support and stability under this New Moon.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths inhaling deep into your belly, feeling your sides expand and slowly exhaling all the way out your nose.

Read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth.

To really be intentional with each affirmation, you can take an intentional cycle of breath (one inhale and exhale) before and after reading each affirmation.

Repeat as often as you need to.


Affirmation One

“I nurture my inner world with an abundance of love built with patience, trust and adaptability. I watch closely over time as my truest, most intimate and deepest relationships celebrate the bounty of harmony and beauty created.”

Affirmation Two

“I never rush or compare my own blossoming, growth or healing process. I trust that my most aligned co-creators, collaborators, romantic unions and dearest friends are cheering me on for the ages to come.”

Affirmation Three

“I thrive in joy, peace and serenity when I stop and engage with the beauty that is around me. When I notice and commune with it, my inner well is restored and my respite becomes the present moment.”

Ready to work more intentionally with the New Moon in Taurus? Join me for New Moon Intentions Breathwork & Reiki!

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