discovering our inner child as our true soulmate under the New Moon in Gemini


A New Moon in Gemini arrives tomorrow, June 18th and I am getting ready to plant some gentle seeds around taking care of my thoughts, integrating my mind with my body and asking myself what it really looks like to be in my highest most authentic expression.

The New Moon & Intention Setting

A New Moon in the sky brings us with a new beginning. It marks a brand new point in the Moon’s cycle which means it’s a fertile time for setting your intentions and taking stock of your desires, needs and what you want to focus on bringing into the material realm during this next Moon cycle.

During this Gemini Full Moon, I won’t be focusing on manifesting the initiation of larger projects that might take more time to complete or be more challenging. Instead, I will be taking some time to use the power of my imagination to visualize what I want the process and outcomes to look like. I am visualizing how I show up in the world with others - how I dress, act and express myself and what it looks like in its highest and most authentic form. And Gemini is here to support this.

Gemini Season - A Time for Identity Exploration & Connection

Gemini is the third sign in the zodiac calendar year that takes place between May 22 - June 21. It is a mutable/flexible Air sign represented by the symbol of the twins. Air energy is an element that rules the mind including abstract ideas & logic, communication, our social lives, memory, clarity (or fogginess) and of course wisdom.

Since Gemini is considered a mutable sign, it’s tasking us to be more flexible and adaptable with our thoughts and communications. Ruled by the planet Mercury governing how we communicate, Gemini wants us to open ourselves up to experiencing the world around us, form new thoughts, opinions and get clear on our identity and how we express ourselves outwardly. This is the beautiful path that Earthy Taurus laid the foundation for when the previous season of the bull asked us to get grounded in building and manifesting the self into the physical world.

After experiencing the embodiment of Taurus season, with Gemini, we now find ourselves taking who we are into the world to interact and explore with others. I think this is why Gemini is perceived as a very social sign with many connections. I also find it interesting that Gemini Season falls right before summer begins - as summer is known to be a time when people are filling their weekends and after work hours with social events like happy hours and extra curricular activites. It makes sense! Summer is typically a time when we spend more time outdoors and gather with other people and Gemini wants us to connect with the outside world more to continue our journey.

Staying True to Who You Are & Expressing Yourself as an Empath & HSP

Raise your hand if you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)! As someone who identifies in this way, I know that when I am physically around others, I have to remain grounded in who I am. As Empaths and HSP’s, sometimes when we surround ourselves with others, if we aren't completely grounded in who we are and taking care of ourselves and our needs, we can get swept away by the identities and needs of others. This is a test of Gemini Season. Gemini asks us who we really are not just in our human identities (how we dress and present ourselves to others), but also what our soul’s characteristics are and if these two things have merged or not. Very much an ongoing journey if you ask me! This relates to the Gemini symbolism of the twins. One twin being our human self the other being our spiritual self or soul.

The Moon in Gemini & Our Inner Child As Our One True Soulmate

The Moon represents our emotions, emotional needs and our physical body needs as well. So, it makes sense that we might feel particular emotions and desires percolating up near and on the New Moon.

For this New Moon in Gemini, I definitely feel the need to be extra gentle with myself, specifically when it comes to my thoughts and how other people might perceive me. This feels like a core wound of mine that has become less and less painful over time (most likely because in my birth chart, my Chiron is in Gemini). I am getting good at learning to integrate more of my essence and how I show up and express my multiple identities, thoughts, opinions, ideas and creative side. These past few weeks, I’ve meditated more than anything on How can I be more myself, more openly and freely with others?

I think Gemini has been helping me with this as it is a sign that is fun-loving, adaptable, quick moving (like a summer breeze) and an avid learner. And through its spirit, Gemini reminds us who we are here to be as a truly embodied and whole person and to not be so hard on ourselves as we’re figuring it out and letting others witness it at the same time.

How does Gemini do this? Gemini pushes us to remember when and how the “separation” of our human self and spiritual self occurred. It’s an Air sign that reminds us of this moment in order to reconnect with our own innocence and our own inner child. Through this process, what we actually discover is that our inner child is our true soulmate and that a playful connection with our soul is what we are ultimately searching for. In this way, our inner child is the “twin” or missing connection we’ve been longing for our entire lives.

Many of us have a moment from our past where we felt we had to stop chasing butterflies and level up as an “adult”. For me, it happened when I began setting any sights on college. I put my writing and art aside to try and pursue a more “practical” career. I still dabbled in painting here and there over the years of course, but only every now and then, and only as a hobby. When it came to my poetry writing and making art, I never had a constant practice I felt like I could show up to - even thought it was the only thing that truly fed my connection to my soul in such a profound way. I never thought my art or writing could impact others in a meaningful way that would also help sustain me financially. So, I abandoned it over and over and in that way, I also abandoned myself and my inner child.

Since setting my 2023 intentions with the word Expland, I’ve found myself little by little returning to that child who wrote her poetry everyday in her beat up journal she carried with her everywhere. To the artsy, deep, creative who let her paintbrush flow with all the colors she could ever imagine she felt inside herself. Two weeks ago, I even broke out my Frieda Kahlo t-shirt and watercolors and just let myself play, covering myself with paint and the feeling of freeing my soul. A true gift of this Gemini Season (and approaching New Moon that I am so grateful for).


To support my inner child and feeling safe to express myself, I’m taking care of my nervous system this weekend by establishing some boundaries and also heavily relying on some supportive practices…

3 Practices I’m Implementing for Nervous System Support this weekend :

Limit stimulants

Since Gemini is a very mental sign, I am cutting out my morning coffee (even thought it’s only decaf), taking extra time off of electronics (including the TV and my phone) and watching my daily sugar intake. I don’t need any extra mental energy during this time and I know to effectively work with this New Moon energy, I need to cut things out to bring more ease and clarity of mind.

Double down on Breathwork

This week I’ve been really loving a pranayama practice called “Anulom Vilom” or alternate nostril breathing. I don’t have time to make a video on how to do it, so I’ll pass on my favorite 7 minute YouTube video to teach you. Once you learn the technique, you can practice on your own for as little as 5 minutes. It’s totally worth the calm, clarity of mind it brings. This weekend I’m practicing 2-3 times a day - once in the morning, afternoon and before bedtime.

Engage in activities that are somatic & soothing

Somatic practices involve moving our bodies as we’re able to in order to help our mind and align our body/mind connection. The word somatic stems from the Greek word Soma or sōmatikos meaning body (online dictionary). Some of my favorite somatic activites that soothe my body/mind connection are : walking outside in nature, playing cards, painting, dancing, doing puzzles (I enjoy 500 pieces or more), self-massage with body oil, yoga, Qigong and of course (you guessed it!) breathwork!

Consider the following to reflect, journal or meditate on

during this New Moon in Gemini :

Check in with your thinking. What is the quality of your thoughts? Are your thoughts helping or hurting you? What stories do you tell yourself? Identify any ways of thinking, thoughts, assumptions or stories you need to let go of, working with or transform for your mental wellbeing.

At what point did you lose your connection to your own inner child and true expression of your soul? Write about it. Then do one thing that you used to do when you were a kid that you know will bring you fun, joy and freedom. You can use the written breathwork practice or recording to support you with this. <3

Reflect on yourself as a multifaceted human being. Think of yourself as a mosaic - what makes you who you are? What makes you authentically whole in existence? Make a list of things that are part of you and your identity even if they feel like they don’t make sense together or seem conflicting to others.

For example,

I’m an artist and a poet and an outdoor enthusiast. I often feel conflicted between how I dress and show up in each of these identities. The artist in me wants to wear a Frieda Kahlo t-shirt and ripped jeans or funky earrings. But, dressed like that, most people don’t look at me say, “oh, she’s definitely into nature.” This is about letting go of fear of how others will perceive us and our identities. I’ve chosen to show up as I am on any given day wearing that I want when I want regardless of what people think. When we recognize we can show up as we are regardless of what others might think of us and express ourselves fully, we create opportunities to feel whole inside ourselves.

New Moon in Gemini Breathwork & Affirmations

to Support You for Planting Seeds This Cycle

- The Practice -

Set your intention for this practice to use your breath to help connect to your inner child and highest self under this New Moon.

Close your eyes and drop into your body.

Let your mind wander for a bit if you need to - it’s okay to make space for this if you need it.

Bring your attention back to the flow of your breath. Feel the air come into your nostrils. Feel the air flow into your belly and ebb back up and out your nose.

Picture yourself as a child. Take note of what age you are in this vision.

Take three deep breaths into your belly, filling up your sides and exhaling all the way.

Now, ask your inner child what it needs to feel safe to fully express itself in its highest form.

Then, read each affirmation out loud or to yourself and take in each truth.

Keep your eyes closed and just feel the effects of the breath and the affirmations.

When you’re ready to close your practice, send your inner child and your current self some love by giving yourself a hug.

Take one final breath and gently flutter your eyes open to take in your surroundings.

Journal about your experience.

Write down what your inner child looked like and the age they were at.

Write down what they said they needed to feel safe so they can be fully expressed.

Create one action step based off of what they gave you and then do it this weekend.


Affirmation One

“I allow myself to act, dress, feel and be in my highest and fullest expression of who I am.

When I embody my many parts of soul and human, I live in the melding melodies of living a life through wholeness."

Affirmation Two

"I give myself time and space for creative acts ripe with play, fun and curiosity.

My greatest soul mate is my inner child who always knows how to get the healing party started.”

Affirmation Three

“I take tender loving care of my inner dialogue. I know how others perceive me isn’t any of my business.

And my business is cultivating wisdom by experiencing and tending to the heart of the matter through thinking and communicating from a holistic place.

Ready to work more intentionally with releasing what’s holding you back? Book a One-To-One Breathwork session. I’ll create a unique experience to support you in your journey. <3

Not ready for breathwork yet? Let’s stay connected! Follow on IG or sign up to receive emails from me directly to your inbox.

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